20 January 2010

Entourage Synchronization Issues

Has your Entourage been giving you troubles with synchronization? Have you ever gotten so frustrated with your Entourage e-mail that you just wanted to see what kind of damage you can do to the computer the e-mail program is running on? Well instead of doing major damage to the computer and potentially loosing all of your e-mails, your friendly neighborhood IT Department has an answer for you. The problem most likely resides with the "Cache" of the program. All you have to do is empty the "Cache" and you should be on your way. Open Entourage and do the following:
  1. 1. Right-click on the folder that is giving you problems, highlight, and click on Folder Properties

  2. 2. A window will open up and make sure at the top the section marked General is highlighted

  3. 3. About the middle of that window look for a button labeled "Empty Cache"

  4. 4. Click that button and your all done with the steps
You may notice that everything in that folder is gone. Don't worry, the next time Entourage links up with the Exchange server all of your data in that folder will be back. For a more detailed review of the above steps you can find it at the following web site: http://hosting.intermedia.net/support/kb/default.asp?id=1495

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