06 June 2009

Safari Version (3.2.3) Homepage

For those MAC users using Safari and would like to change their homepage to the all new Biltmore Baptist Church web site, or any other site, but don't know how to do this can now rest easy. Your friendly neighborhood BBC IT Department has found an easy way for you to do this. Make sure Safari is open and do the following:
  1. 1. Locate the Safari menu bar which should look something like the following picture.

  2. 2. Highlight and single click the word "Safari", located between the Apple symbol and the word "File".
  3. 3. Another window should open up and it should look like the following.

  4. 4. Highlight and single click the word "Preferences.." as illustrated in the picture above.

  5. 5. The next window that opens up should look like the following picture.

  6. 6. Make sure you are on the "General" tab, go to the 3rd text box down, and input the web site that you desire to be your homepage.

  7. 7. Once you have entered your favorite web site in the text box, click the little red circle located above the "General" tab and you are all set.

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