21 October 2011

iTunes 3002 error

Many of you may get a 3002 timeout error when you run the iOS 5 update on your Apple devices or another time out error. Your friendly neighborhood IT department has found a way around this. Here are the steps:

  1. Close and quit iTunes, if your iTunes is open

  2. Navigate to the location on your computer where the iOS updates are located or have been downloaded at

  3. Highlight that specific update for your device (It will be a file with the .ipsw file extension on it

  4. Copy that .ipsw file to the following device location on your computer’s hard drive
    a. For Windows 7 computers it will be located in:C:\Users\”YourUserName”\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\”YourAppleDevice” Software Updates
    b. For MAC computers it will be located in:“Home folder”, Library, iTunes, “YourAppleDevice” Software Updates

  5. If there is currently a .ipsw in that folder on your hard drive, remove that file and replace it with the one from the network

  6. Once that file has copied, make sure your Apple device is connected to your computer and open iTunes back up

  7. Give iTunes about a minute to see the new iOS file and a dialog box should come up automatically about an update

  8. Click “Update” and follow all the prompts to update the iOS

The process will first take a backup of your current device, apply the new iOS, then restore your device from that backup it took at the start. This process will take about 10-20 minutes to complete and once it has finished it may take iTunes another minute or two to put all of your apps back on your device.

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